Monday, January 16, 2012

excerpt no 9- mad sherpas

Looking at the clock it was spot on five o’clock. It had taken exactly 8 hours to get there and finally we were ready to load ourselves up with the stuff from the car, head through the gates, pitch the tent and get some tea. We would be sorted by 7.00 pm and be chilling with a coffee. That was the plan anyway.
Once we had stretched our backs and legs we started getting everything out of the boot. A suitcase for each of us-they were on wheels so they would be easy to pull. Each of us then had a rucksack on our backs and we would carry in our hands and over our shoulders things like sleeping bags and the tent, chairs and anything else that had a strap. We also loaded up the wheely modubox from the car and put some stuff in that. “Do you think we should do all this in one go or should I make a couple of trips?” I asked, thinking that it was simply a matter of going to the end of the field and then we would be in. “No, lets do it in one go, we’ll be fine,” Amy replied, “We’ll be ok”, said Sacha, “Lets go.” Loaded up like mad sherpas, off we set, leaving only the umbrella in the car, and £50 emergency cash and the emergency car key hidden behind the speaker grille. 
 Amy chilled and ready to yomp....

Sacha similarly loaded up.

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