Saturday, October 12, 2013

Turn Left At The Womble-Glasto & toilets....

The first thing that anyone who hasn't been to Glastonbury seems to ask is "But what about the toilets?" You can breezily respond and say that it's ok really but... here's a brief extract from "Turn Left At The Womble" that may assist. 

This love-in with the ice cream was interrupted by the announcement by Amy that she really needed to make a visit to the loos. This brought things down to earth somewhat as the nearest ones were between the Other Stage and the Dance area and were really, really rank. So bad that during the day, every so often the faintest whiff blew over the four hundred yards, to give an indication of how grim it was. “Dad?” “Yes?” “Will you come with me?”  We were like Frodo and Sam heading towards Mordor-the closer we got the worse it was. When we finally dragged ourselves to the periphery, Amy couldn’t face it. “Will you find me one that’s ok?” The things you have to do as a parent. I tried door after door and in the end I was nearly kicking them open Jack Bauer-style before having a quick glance and exiting. They were all worse than could possibly be described. By now Amy was hopping like a demented polecat. Luckily, an older woman, mid-thirties, had seen Amy’s plight and waved her over. “This one isn’t too bad,” she gestured, and waved Amy over to her. Amy thanked her and disappeared for the briefest of times, before re-emerging, pale and gagging. We laughed as Amy said, “I know I said thanks but if that one wasn’t too bad…”

Get/read more/see "Turn Left at the Womble" here:

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