Sunday, February 10, 2013

update;glasto 2013,led zeppelin,abba and take that

Initially I said that this blog was going to be about Glastonbury and music in general. There’s been bits from the old book, “Turn Left at the Womble”, and extracts from the new (as yet, untitled) book.

There hasn’t really been too much about Glastonbury. (Except old stuff). There’s not been much about this year’s forthcoming festival; though I suppose that will naturally evolve the closer it gets.

I think from here on in I’ll just mainly be blogging about Glasto 2013. At the moment it’s only 135 days away and in those 135 days a lot will be happening. Presently I am in the mind to post stuff once a week or so about Glasto and how things are turning out. I am sure I’ll be having a bit of a rant about the line up and at the moment I’m not too enamoured about the speculated line-up. I’m not blown away by the prospects of the Arctic Monkeys, Rolling Stones and Lady bloody Gaga.  I’m hoping that there’ll be some curveball headliners that no-one’s thought of and that are being kept under wraps. A reformed Led Zeppelin would be interesting. Or someone that doesn’t tie in at all with Glastonbury-say AC/DC or Take That. (Although I’d like something unexpected I’d really hope that that Abba don’t crop up. Imagine the all the fuss about that. There’s a lot of revisionism about Abba and about what great pop songs they wrote etc etc. It’s the ultimate rose-tinted glasses. They were the S Club 7 of the 1970’s.)

But it’s only 135 days away and for me there’s a lot to do in the meantime.  Following the mud-fest of 2011 I have to start from virtually scratch with getting stuff together. Everything was wrecked-wellies developed holes; tent, sleeping bag and other essentials were destroyed and/or dumped. All I have is a portable kettle and a rucksack. Is there anything else really that’s needed?

I will keep posting stuff about music and whatever springs to mind. I think it’s time to get a little bit more random.  

As for the new book I don’t think that I’ll be blogging any more excerpts from it on here for a while. It needs a shed load of editing.

And a title.

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