Wednesday, January 8, 2014

This is what Totally Shuffled is all about....

Totally Shuffled: what it's all about...

This is what Totally Shuffled is all about.

This is what I have been tweeting for the past 280-odd days.

Only a bit to go.

592 pages.

500 plus words per day. Every day for a whole year.

Different artist every day.

Whatever track came up first on shuffled each day, I wrote about.

I may have written about the track, the artist, the record,or something completely different. Off on a tangent.
One track per day for 366 days on a broken iPod. 

366 tracks out of a possible 9553. 

From the obvious (The Rolling Stones), to the obscure (Karen Cooper Complex). 

From the sublime (The Flaming Lips) to the risible (Muse). 

From field recordings of Haitian Voodoo music to The Monkees. 

From Heavy Metal to Rap by way of 1930’s blues, jazz, classical, punk, and every possible genre of music in between. 

This is what I listened to and wrote about for a whole year, to the point of never wanting to hear any more music again. 

Some songs I listened to I loved, and some I hated. 

Some artists ended up getting praised to the skies and others received a bit of critical kicking. 

There’s memories of spending too many hours in record shops, prevaricating over the next big thing and surprising myself over tracks that I’d completely forgotten about. 

But with 40 years of listening to music, I realised that I’ll never get sick of it. 

I may have fallen out of love with some of the songs in this book, but I’ll never fall out of love with music.

(And two five star reviews so far!) 

See/Get/Read  "Totally Shuffled: A Year of Listening to Music on a Broken iPod" here:

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