Saturday, January 4, 2014

Turn Left At the Womble- Now available in paperback!

Turn Left At the Womble - Now available in paperback!!!

A fair few people have asked if it was possible to get hold of "Turn Left at the Womble-How a 48 year old Dad survived his first Glastonbury" as a paperback book rather than as a Kindle one. I am pleased to tell you that it is now possible. Hurray!

The good news is that I have managed to work a way round it and you can, if you wish, get a copy to hold in your hands, complete with full colour photographs throughout. The maybe not so good news is that because of the cost of producing the book in colour, then it does costs a fair bit more than the Kindle version. Apologies.

The (paperback) book is produced though Amazon by CreateSpace and this price is the minimum that they will let me sell it for. All the price is swallowed up in production costs and goes to them and CreateSpace. I am getting no royalties at all from it. Zero.Zip.Zilch.

Having said that, the main thing for me is that people read the book, and if someone cannot or would rather not read a Kindle version of it, then any other way possible is good as well.

Of course the Kindle version is still available (& cheaper!) and you don't need a Kindle to read it; Amazon produce loads of (free!) software so Kindle books can be read on many other devices; tablets, laptops,PCs, Apple devices (iPads,iPods,iPhones etc).  

Hope this helps. Enjoy! 

Thanks for reading it and all your feedback!

Here is a link for it as paperback

And here is the Kindle one

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